IOMAC 2024 is a forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge sharing, and technology-need matchmaking in the global OMA community. It will serve as a unique venue to showcase the technologies and achievements in civil as well as industrial applications, demonstrate the practical value of OMA research, and raise the public awareness on the need for further OMA research and applications. In this page, you can find all the relevant information for potential exhibitors and sponsors.
Sponsors will benefit from worldwide exposure to networking and commercial opportunities with, engineers, scientists, researchers, practitioners and key industry leaders, active in the field of Operational Modal Analysis, vibration-based monitoring and testing. We have prepared a wide selection of opportunities to showcase your products or to promote your brand throughout the event.
To maximize the visibility of the Exhibitors, the booths will be conveniently located adjacent to the main rooms and the lunch and coffee breaks areas (see the map). Exhibition booths will be reserved on a ‘first come-first served’ basis. To promote the brand of the sponsors, the Logo will be strategically branded based on the selected option. Both opportunities (exhibition and sponsorship) will enable Your company to stand out and know and being known by hundreds of leading professionals.
Please, look at the sponsor prospectus for the opportunities to become a Sponsor/Exhibitor of this outstanding research and professional meeting, and to be recognized as a world leader in the area of Operational Modal Analysis, vibration-based monitoring and testing.
Shall you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at…
We trust you will be part of this prestigious event, and we look forward to seeing you in Napoli in 2024!